
在命令提示符下输入help将会列出所有可用命令的列表。大多数命令都用于 Data Flow 功能,但也有一些是通用的。

! - Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands
clear - Clears the console
cls - Clears the console
date - Displays the local date and time
exit - Exits the shell
http get - Make GET request to http endpoint
http post - POST data to http endpoint
quit - Exits the shell
system properties - Shows the shell's properties
version - Displays shell version

添加对应命令的 name ,可以显示如何使用命令。

dataflow:>help stream create
Keyword:                   stream create
Description:               Create a new stream definition
 Keyword:                  ** default **
 Keyword:                  name
   Help:                   the name to give to the stream
   Mandatory:              true
   Default if specified:   '__NULL__'
   Default if unspecified: '__NULL__'

 Keyword:                  definition
   Help:                   a stream definition, using the DSL (e.g. "http --port=9000 | hdfs")
   Mandatory:              true
   Default if specified:   '__NULL__'
   Default if unspecified: '__NULL__'

 Keyword:                  deploy
   Help:                   whether to deploy the stream immediately
   Mandatory:              false
   Default if specified:   'true'
   Default if unspecified: 'false'

Last updated

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